

How to Make Your WoodWick Candles Last Longer

How to Make Your WoodWick Candles Last Longer

Posted by Faye on Aug 31st 2021

WoodWick candles are known for their signature crackle and rich scents. They are one of our most popular brands, and there’s no doubt as to why. WoodWick candles are made with high-quality materials, and their unique design means they look great in any home.

We know why you love your WoodWick candle, but don’t you wish they would last a little longer? Today, we’ll explore some myths about extending the life of your WoodWick candle, and then we’ll spell out the facts.

Candle Myths

Putting a WoodWick candle into the freezer makes it last longer

The idea behind this myth is that if you freeze your candle the wax will be slower to melt. However, many videos online prove this to be false. Freezing your WoodWick candle won’t hurt it, but it won’t help it last longer either.

Adding salt will make candles last longer

So, this one is not a complete myth. There is some anecdotal evidence that adding salt when you are making candles will help the wax to burn slower.

However, the idea that adding salt to a pre-made candle will slow the burning does not appear to be true based on my research. In addition, if you add salt to a scented candle, the salt will interfere with the essential oils, ruining the candle’s scent.

In short, do not add salt to your WoodWick candles.

WoodWick Candle Facts

WoodWick candles burn faster than other candles

This is 100% true. The reason is the very wick that gives these candles their name. The wooden wicks in combination with the soy-paraffin wax make WoodWick candles burn faster than other candles.

You should let WoodWick candles burn for several hours at a time.

This sounds counterproductive but hear me out.

One of the best ways to ensure that your WoodWick candles last longer is to make sure they burn evenly. By burning evenly, you will get the most time out of your candle. Burning WoodWick candles for short periods of time, think two hours or less, increases the risk that the candle will tunnel, and burn unevenly.

Thus, shorter burn times can actually shorten the lifespan of your candle. So, burn for at least three hours at a time, every time.

Maintaining your candle wick will help the candle last longer

Yes! Keeping your candle wick ¼-⅛” will help to burn your candle more evenly, and as we stated above, the more evenly a candle burns, the longer it will last.

Trimming wicks is not the only way to protect your WoodWick candles, however. Avoiding areas with drafts or wind is vital. Excessive wind can affect how wooden wicks burn, or cotton wicks, for that matter. As we’ve stated before, uneven burning spells a short life for any candle.

Final Thoughts

I hope this has answered your questions about protecting your WoodWick candles.

There are no real tricks to making a WoodWick candle last longer, unfortunately. However, keeping up with basic candle maintenance will ensure you enjoy each candle to its fullest.

What is your favorite candle care tip? Let us know.

Otherwise, everyone here at Candles To My Door wishes you a wonderful rest of your day. We will see you again next week for another awesome blog.

Until then,

        - Faye